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Publisher Writer Experience with Jacee Badeaux
Sun, Nov 13
With the Publisher Writer Experience you'll work one-on-one over 3 months with a major publisher, who'll give you career guidance, help you make your songs more cuttable and advise you just as they would any songwriter at their company.
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Time & Location
Nov 13, 2022, 11:59 PM
About the event
The Publisher Writer Experience is a chance at new beginnings with an amazing publisher who wants nothing more than success for you.
Program activities include:
- Two 20 minute 1-on-1 meetings with the publisher over Zoom.
- One 30 minute meeting in-person at the publisher's office in Nashville (or on Zoom)
- One Guitar Pull at the organizer's house to get to know the other writers in the program
- One 1 hour group meeting at the publisher's office
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